Mr. Morris, one of music’s reigning patriarchs, took over Sony in July, after 15 years at Universal. He is widely seen as the most capable hand to steady Sony’s music division, which has been plagued by internal quarrels since its merger with BMG in 2004. So far he has been aggressive in trying to remake the company, the home of artists like Bruce Springsteen, Beyoncé and Usher.
“He is a master at attracting and developing executive talent,” said Jon Landau, Mr. Springsteen’s manager. “No one is better at picking the people who pick the hit artists.”
Mr. Morris is also an embodiment of one of the unchanging realities of the music business since he is working on the fact that, despite all the changes in technology, there is still money to be made in hits, and staying successful means holding on to a bigger piece of a shrinking pie. This is a very important step in the music world since it protects the basic origin of hits making them even more succesful than modern technologies as Mr. Morris achievements prove.
RépondreSupprimerHow do you think traditional content industries players such as Sony would be able to cope with Apples and Googles and Amazones like in the music industry of the future?
Sony is not a simple traditional content industry player anymore since the company has just came back in 2008 and made important leadership changes and restructuring. It is the second-largest global recorded music company of the "big four" record companies:Universal Music Group (31.71%), Sony Music Entertainment (25.61%), Warner Music Group (15%), EMI Group (9.55%), Independent labels (18.13%). Thus, the Sony Music Entertainment represents more than 25% of the US music market. sophisticated music companies such as Apples or Googles propose more options such as the apparition of what you purchase in all your Apple devices or the one you choose. Sony can be viewed as a conservative company that does compete with other record companies but as I said in the article, Mr. Morris proves that despite all the changes and improvements in technology, there is still money to be made in traditional hits.
RépondreSupprimerCompetition is actually high but Sony Music Entertainment has just started its restructuring.